July 14, 2022

Use Map search to find your property

Are you ready to make the most important purchase of your life?

You are probably already familiar with the “Lifestyle” feature offered by Centris.ca to help you find your rare gem. If you prefer a more visual approach, the Map search is the perfect tool to find the property just right for you.

Go to the Centris.ca homepage.

In the search bar, enter the city or region that appeals to you. You’ll see a turquoise square with a magnifying glass to the far right of the search bar. Click on it. 

When performing a search in Centris.ca, you will be directed automatically to the Gallery. If you want to use the Map search feature, look for the icons labelled Gallery, Map, and Summary in the upper right corner and click Map. A map will display with properties indicated by icons in the form of an upside-down water droplet. The number on the icon refers to the number of properties for sale in the area. 

The turquoise bar with various icons on the right allows you to perform a more targeted search. The Map search offers several options, including drawing a shape, searching near a certain place (for example, your workplace) and viewing lifestyle criteria. These are the same criteria as at the top of the page.

The Lifestyle feature is available when performing a Map search. On the turquoise bar, click the person icon and choose the criteria that appeal to you. Depending on the availability of the criteria selected, red, yellow and green areas will appear on the map, with green indicating the area that most closely matches your preferences.

The heat map is very visual: it’s the biggest difference between a Map search and a Gallery or Summary search.

The circle search tool lets you look in a specific area. 

With the polygon search tool, you can define an even more precise search area by excluding a certain area. 

To delete the shape, all you have to do is click on the circle with an X on the turquoise bar.

The Map search is one of the many tools offered by Centris.ca for finding the perfect property in an area of your choosing. Have fun!

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See also:

Map search: Do you use the Polygon feature?

Log into your Centris.ca account to make searching easier

How to use the Lifestyle feature on Centris.ca