July 25, 2022

My Broker, My Ally, My Pillar

When I decided to get a condo, I thought I could do it alone. I’m used to taking care of projects, I’m organized, and I know some things about real estate.

Oof! Very quickly, I understood that I couldn’t do it, that I needed someone with experience. In the current market, I don’t have time to do it.   Finding the right property is a huge time investment. You need to do research, communicate with brokers, understand all the documents, validate the information you receive, etc.

My broker really helped me out. Marie-Pierre taught me to recognize red flags. She also helped me discover properties I would have missed.

These days, the sale of a condo only takes a week. The property is listed on Centris.ca early in the week, the visits happen during the weekend and offers are sent the next Monday morning at 10 a.m. It’s insane!

Marie-Pierre keeps me updated with the offers I receive and guides me. She finds all the answers to my questions. Furthermore, she has access to a network of competent professionals, like inspectors. I would be totally alone if not for her.

Marie-Pierre is also my psychologist: buying a property is like a roller coaster ride! 

She is always working, I was even able to sign a promise to purchase, that she prepared, while I was at a hockey game.

As a buyer, it would be impossible for me to imagine not using a real estate broker: It didn’t cost me anything! I have everything to win and nothing to lose!

Find your real estate broker on Centris.ca!

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