Commercial unit for rent
3885, boulevard Industriel, suite C, Laval (Vimont), Neighbourhood Others
$29 /year /square foot +GST/QST
$29 /year /square foot +GST/QST
Commercial unit for rent
3885, boulevard Industriel, suite C, Laval (Vimont), Neighbourhood Others
Use of property
Laboratory, medical, pharmaceutical
Available commercial area
9,314 sqft
Number of units
Commercial (1)
Conveniently situated in the heart of Laval, this laboratory space is now available for rent. A total of 9,314 square feet is available of which 1883.90 is office and 7430.12 is lab. Strategically located near Autoroute 440 and Boulevard Dagenais O, this facility provides easy accessibility and visibility, making it an ideal choice for pharmaceutical or medical research. Ample parking space for employees and visitors. Also includes a common cafeteria and a common warehouse for when tenants receive shipments. Additional rent of $10.15 yr per sqft. Immediate occupancy.
Centris No. 12577295
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