Lot for sale
Chemin du Lac-Chloé, Wentworth
Lot area
43,289 sqft
Additional features
Located on a lake
Move-in date
5 days after acceptance of promise to purchase or rent
Vacant land with possibility of construction bearing the cadastre number 4876641. For more information and to know precisely the location of the lot, please contact the broker by text at 514-991-1413 and consult the following linkhttps://mrcargenteuil.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=3bd2482392ee491d91f198a004ebab18&extent=-8360793.2707%2C5698027.9677%2C-8214034. Verifications must be made, by the buyers, with the competent authorities for your projects before making a promise to purchase.
Centris No. 18320812
Financial details
Municipal assessment (2024) | |
Lot | $58,100 |
Total | $58,100 |
Taxes | |
Municipal (2024) | $1 |
School | Not issued |
Infrastructure | Not issued |
Water | Not issued |
Others | Not issued |
Total | $1 |
See all financial details