Income properties for sale
3610, boulevard Laurier Est, Saint-Hyacinthe, Neighbourhood Sainte-Rosalie
Income properties for sale
3610, boulevard Laurier Est, Saint-Hyacinthe, Neighbourhood Sainte-Rosalie
Use of property
Year built
Lot area
13,944 sqft
Number of units
Residential (6)
Residential units
6 x Other
Potential gross revenue
60,192 $
Immeuble résidentiel locatif de 6 unités soit 4 x 5 ½, 1 x 4 ½ et 1 x 3 ½ offrant un bon rendement et une stabilité locative. Entretenu avec soin au fil des années.
Centris No. 22985463
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Financial details
Municipal assessment (2025) | |
Lot | $182,700 |
Building | $514,900 |
Total | $697,600 |
Taxes | |
Municipal (2025) | $8,398 |
School (2025) | $512 |
Total | $8,910 |
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