Type of business
Grocery store, Florist, Florist/Nursery, Bookstore, Arts and Crafts, Pharmacy, Arts and Crafts supplies, Office, Massotherapy, Computing equipment, Sporting goods, Antique, Stationery store, Books/Cards/Stationary, Auto parts, Hardware store, Restaurant, Fast food, Lingerie, Clinic, School, Education/School, Driving school, Department store, Photo studio, Dating agency, Travel agency, Real estate agency, Furniture store, Electronics, Household appliances, Jewellery store, Butcher shop, Bakery, Boutique, Gift shop, Coffee/Donuts, Snack bar, Health centre, Deli/Cheese shop, Accounting, Candy/Chocolate shop, Shoe repair shop, Ice cream shop, Decoration, Distributor, Cabinet making, Electrical supplies, Fruits and vegetables, Newsstand, Supermarket, Men's clothing store, Pastry shop, Furniture repair, Beauty salon, Barber/Beauty, Tanning salon, Hairdresser, Hairdresser - Men's, Pet grooming, Locksmith, Caterer, Variety store